So, I’m falling a little behind on my blogging – so instead I’d like to share a few photos I took.
Here’s a little context: I started a new job in downtown Portland a few months ago. This isn’t my first time working downtown, my last job there was from about 2016 to 2018. During that time, the former building that housed the Workman’s Temple – which at the time was disused – was being demolished, and I took a few pictures of the process.

Well, with my new job, I’m finally able to see what has been erected in the building’s place. Not all the lots that had their buildings demolished on them have had buildings placed there yet – so I was able to take some pictures of the open area that looked to be the previous location’s basement – which may have had an entrance to the Old Portland Underground. And naturally – some people have taken advantage of the open space for some street art.

If there’s interest in more of my photographs, please post in the comments, and I’ll post more pictures as I take them.
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