So, the Let’s Play is going to take a very short break due to some technical difficulties. My tale of woe lies below the cut.
My last Let’s Play recording got eaten on my computer and on the Twitch server, so I have no backups. I had intended to record it last Friday. Unfortunately, my internet connection went out that week (as I mentioned in the most recent episode of the Anime Explorations podcast), and it was only restored on Thursday. This forced me to scramble to get through re-watching the remaining episodes of Season 2 of Thunderbolt Fantasy before recording the podcast with Tom Merritt.
This also meant I didn’t have time that week to stream again and try to re-play that content (thankfully Halo Infinite lets you replay missions). I should be able to stream again this coming Friday, which will allow me to resume where I left off with the Let’s Play (more or less – there will be some side content missing). I’ll try to make up for that with some additional review content over the next couple days.