Now with Asuka and EVA Unit-02 helping, Londo Bell finishes off both angels. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Super Robot Wars V
Londo Bell takes down G-Hound just in time for an Angel to show up. Continue reading
Tokyo 3 is under attack by G-Hound. Fortunately, Londo Bell is in position to come to the rescue. Continue reading
I had a new viewer on the stream, so we have a recap of some of the changes Super Robot Wars V has from earlier games in the series. Continue reading
We finish off this group of Dragons and interview our new aces. Continue reading
We get new upgrades for the Shin Getter Robo and for Mazinger Z, as we overcome Brocken (with more dragons to go). Continue reading
The crew of Londo Bell continues their patrols, and end up running into the forces of Brocken. Continue reading
The Yamato now has a new crew member, and she gets a warm welcome. Continue reading
We turn the tide, until OMG HAX! happens, and we learn that Amalgam had a mole… Continue reading
The fight goes on, as Team Londo Bell takes on Leonard Testarossa and his enforcers. Continue reading
Bad News! The Jupiter Empire and Gamillan forces have just joined Amalgam. Good news! Londo Bell and the Yamato have arrived and with reinforcements. Continue reading
Sousuke and Kaname head back to their old school, to think about the future – only to get an unpleasant interruption. Continue reading
It’s time for the Nadesico and Celestial Being teams to try to head back to their universe, and in turn, figure out if they’ve found a reliable way to universe jump. Continue reading
Some of the Londo Bell crew are rather annoyed by all the bishounen they’re finding themselves surrounded by. Continue reading
Beecha is doing well in command of the Argama… aside from moving way the hell out into the open. Continue reading
In our next DLC mission, Beecha returns to the commander’s chair of the Nahel Argama… just in time to fend off a Neo Zeon attack! Continue reading
Fu mo fu Mo fumo fu, fo mo fu fu mo fu mo fu… Fumo-fu!
(Translation: It turns out Gates isn’t dead, so it’s time to put him in his place… with Bonta-Kun!) Continue reading

Let’s Play Super Robot Wars V: Part 112 – Thought Patterns I
Fu Fumo fu fumo-fu fumo, fo mo fu fumofu!
(Translation: I’ve unlocked the Bonta-Kun mission, so it’s time for some wackiness!) Continue reading
The crew reflects on Tetsuya’s betrayal and the new options which have opened up. (And also Nine is unexpectedly mean to Ryoko from Nadesico). Continue reading
The Getter Robo Team is reunited, but we still have the mysterious Para-mail to contend with. Continue reading
Ashura may be defeated, but now we face Great Mazinger. Continue reading
We finish off Baron Ashura and their troops. Continue reading
We start off our fight with Baron Ashura and their golems. Continue reading
In case you’d missed the ham – we have Go Nagai Super Robot Villains! Continue reading