
Film Review: Twin Peaks – Fire Walk With Me (+ The Missing Pieces)

When Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me came out, it was critically panned. Not unsurprising when a critical darling, an auteur who had been nominated for an Academy Award would dare to make his next film after daring to work in *shudder* television decides to make a movie that is tied in with that TV series. It lost money, it was roasted by critics and by David Lynch’s peers, burning him out on the Twin Peaks franchise entirely.

The sentiment of that critical establishment is not one I share – I’m a Trekker. I grew up watching the original series films, along with the movies for Next Generation – and appreciate the depths of both the series and the films, along with some of the ancillary works. Consequently, I would not dismiss a film tie-in to a TV series – so I came into Fire Walk With Me, and the edited-together Deleted Scenes of The Missing Pieces with an open mind, and was not disappointed.

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