We go for another push, only to level up 3 party members, and end up falling back to town.
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We do another run to stock up on curative items, and then save before the big push.
Continue readingWe immediately encounter a boss fight on B8 and end up wiping.
Continue readingWe finally make our way to the entrance of B8.
Continue readingWe continue our return trip, because there’s some stuff on-camera which happens that was worth commenting on.
Continue readingWhile picking up supplies, we run into Walter, who drops some hints as to what’s going on.
Continue readingWe make a very brief jaunt to B7, before heading back to town and wrapping up this session.
Continue readingWe return to town, level up, and get ready to head to B7.
Continue readingIt’s time for the rematch with the Greater Demon!
Continue readingWe make our way to the threshold of the fight with the Greater Demon.
Continue readingWe pick up some supplies for a rematch with the Greater Demon.
Continue readingWe reach the boss of level B6, and end up running into a monster we’re just not ready for yet.
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Let’s Play Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land: Part 84 – Other Side
We get started on the other route on B6.
Continue readingWe reach a dead-end in the dungeon and warp back to town to plan an alternate route.
Continue readingWe discover what has become of Hina’s brother.
Continue readingAfter checking to see that the “Queen” is “safe”, we continue our exploration of B6.
Continue readingWe take on a new party member for one of the side quests, before rescuing the queen from a Demon.
Continue readingWe realize that we forgot to pick up the book and return to the dungeon to get it, and then almost wipe again.
Continue readingWe find the tome we were seeking on level B6, read it, and then completely forget to pick it up before we return to town.
Continue readingWe have the first of this session’s near-wipes, and we finish reading Helga’s diary.
Continue readingWe run into a bunch of traps during or exploration of B6, before getting our clock cleaned.
Continue readingWe bid farewell to Helga, and continue our exploration of B6.
Continue readingWe check out the auction for the Houndsword. It doesn’t go well.
Continue readingWe head back down to B6, but don’t explore for too long.
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