Waaayyy back in August 0f 2023 I did a post experimenting on creating characters for Sentinels of the Multiverse and Marvel Multiverse RPG based on A-Ko from Project A-Ko. I intended to follow up not long later with a write-up of B-Ko, but I never got around to it. Well, it’s time to follow up. This time I’m just doing a write-up of B-Ko for Marvel Multiverse, because that was easier to work with than with Sentinels of the Multiverse, mechanically.
Real Name: Biko Daitokuji
Height: 5′ 6″
Weight: 123 lbs
Gender: Female
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Blue
Occupation: Student/Tycoon
Origin: High Tech: Battle Suit
Distinguishing Features: Drill-Curls
Rank: 5
- Melee: 4 (Non-Combat +5, Damage x6+4)
- Agility: 4 (Non-Combat +6, Damage x7+4)
- Resilience: 4
- Vigilance: 3
- Ego: 5
- Logic: 5 (Non-Combat +7, Damage x7+5)
Initiative: +3
Health: 120 (DR 2)
Focus: 90
- Quick Learner
- Famous
- Abrasive (Oujo-sama Personality)
- Inventor
- Scientific Expertise
- Extreme Appearance (in Battlesuit – looks like an armored bikini, though it does actually protect)
- Obligation: School
- Rich
- Lab Access
- Young
- Basic
- Accuracy 2
- Flight 1
- Brilliance 2
- Combat Trickery
- Sturdy 2
- Mighty 1
- Ranged Combat
- Suppressive Fire
- Snap Shooting
- Weapons Blazing
- Return Fire
- Covering Fire
- Double Tap
- Stopping Power
- Martial Arts
- Defense Stance
- Attack Stance
- Grappling Technique
- Spin and Throw
Much as I used The Thing and She-Hulk as a template for A-Ko, I used Iron Man and War Machine as a template for B-Ko, with a few tweaks. In particular, I dumped the Elemental powers entirely, because most of the attacks intrinsic to B-Ko’s battlesuit are missile attacks (literally – they’re heralded by a called attack of “Akagiyama Missiles”). Otherwise, she’s generally closing to melee, including more than a few throws – I even considered dropping one of the ranged attack powers for another melee powers.
Now, you might say that the Combat Trickery power would be ineffective against A-Ko, because A-Ko’s the same Rank. That’s deliberate – B-Ko isn’t actually that good, or particularly successful at fighting A-Ko. However, the power would be useful in fights against, say, an alien battleship which had kidnapped C-Ko.
As far as notable supporting characters go – C-Ko is an ordinary human, with the trait Abrasive (Crybaby), and the Tag “Lethal Chef”
B-Ko also has her Mean Girl Posse – which is also made up of a bunch of Average Civilians, plus Mari-Chan, who is Rank 2, and has Mighty 2, Extreme Appearance, and 2 points in Melee and Resilience.
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