Video games

2025 New Year’s Resolutions: Video Games

A new year is coming up, so it’s time to put together my proper New Year’s Resolutions – I’ve gotten through pretty much all of my video game resolutions (I should have actually finished Xenoblade Chronicles Remastered by the end of the year), so I’m going to start with my video games list first. This is going to be a longer list, as I’m doing a few more Joined In Progress games.

  • Final Fantasy IV
  • Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward
  • Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth
  • Final Fantasy XVI

I’ve been generally trying to make my way through the Final Fantasy series from both ends – taking on older titles while keeping up on newer titles – and this is my part of that. I have Final Fantasy IV-VI Pixel Remaster on Switch (along with VII-IX), so – the turn-based games work well to play while I’m watching anime. I’ve previously beaten Remake, so I want to continue on to Rebirth, and , and the newer games work well to play during downtime. Finally, Final Fantasy is the most recent title in the series, and they come out far enough apart that I can beat that one and have time to go back to the older titles before the next game comes out.

Also, I’ve made some headway into Heavensward, and since I finally finished A Realm Reborn this year, I have hopes that I’ll be able to get through the rest of Heavensward next year.

  • 428 Shibuya Scramble

This is for the Anime Explorations Podcast – Canaan is a spinoff of this game, so this is background research. Plus I want to play more visual novels – however it isn’t very streamable because Spike Chuunsoft frowns on that sort of thing.

  • Judgment

I got this through Gamefly – need to finish it. I may stream this as a Joined in Progress.

  • Mark of the Ninja
  • Super Mario World

Finally, two platformers from my backlog that I’m planning to stream as some shorter titles. I haven’t beaten either of these – and as Mario World is the next title in the series that I haven’t beaten (I beat Super Mario Bros 1-3 while playing them for Nintendo Power Retrospectives), this feels like a good place to pick up next. I’ll probably be playing SMW on my Polymega. I have the option to play it through Switch Online, but I want to give the Polymega a try on stream.

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