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Category Archives: Video games
There’s a video game that kinda adapts the Forged in the Dark/Powered by the Apocalypse game mechanics into a PC RPG – let’s talk about that.

Video Game Review: Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition
Playing the first Xenoblade Chronicles game was an interesting experience, especially after having played some of its sequel before it. It end up giving me some new context on how the series has progressed, how the sequel improved on its predecessor – and some ways in which the predecessor was better. Now that I’ve beaten the game in my Let’s Play, it’s time to give my thoughts.
Continue readingI learn the true story of the world’s creation, see the game’s ending, and I give my final thoughts.

Video Game Review: Trails in the Sky 3rd
Trails in the Sky 3rd is the final installment of the Grancel Trilogy of what has become the larger series of Trails games. While the narrative focus for this game moves away from Joshua and Estelle Bright (their time in the spotlight finished in Trails in the Sky 2nd Chapter) – the third installment instead serves as something of an epilogue for the series, and with it sets up not only the Crossbell arc (Trails from Zero), but also the Erebonia (Trails of Cold Steel) and Calvard (Trails from Daybreak) arcs as well.
Continue reading