A while back, I reviewed the 1978 Space Pirate Captain Harlock anime on the blog. My general verdict was that, after finishing the show, it was an enjoyable work of space opera. Well, almost 40 years after the series originally aired, the story is getting revisited and expanded in the form of a comic by Leiji Matsumoto & French comic writer Jerome Alquire.
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House of X/Powers of X: Comic Review
A while back I gave some thoughts on my concerns about the upcoming X-Men series House of X and Powers of X by Jonathan Hickman, and where the X-Line was going to go from there. Well, Hickman’s first two series – House of X and Powers of X – are now out and I’ve read them, and now it’s time to re-assess some of my analysis, as we’ve gotten into the series coming out of those series.
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Age of X-Man: Comic Review
One of the first X-men comics I read was a collection of the first few issues of Age of Apocalypse, back when I was in middle school. While I have still yet to read the entire story, the bits I’ve read left something of an impression on me. When the Age of X-Man event began, I was interested in seeing X-Men writers take on a dystopia that’s different from many of the standard “Pile of Skulls” X-Men dystopia.
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Domino: Hotshots – Comic Review
Gail Simone is one of the writers in comics where, after reading several of her runs on other books, I’m strongly considering telling my local comic shop to put all her future stuff on my pull list, and Domino: Hotshots is a great example of why.
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Comic Review: Doctor Who – The 12th Doctor, Year 3
Continuing with my thoughts on various year arcs of Doctor Who comics (as I finish reading them, it’s time for my thoughts on the 12th Doctor’s 3rd year. Continue reading

Comics Review: Doctor Who – The 10th Doctor, Year 3
Titan Comics picked up the Doctor Who license from IDW a while back, and since then they have been doing a multitude of ongoing series with the various Doctors. The ongoing for the 10th Doctor wrapped up its 3rd year recently (and I read the last issue of it), so I might as well give my thoughts. Continue reading