This time we get around to staking out a new heat… vein… thingie.
Tag Archives: Lost Planet 3
Let’s Play Lost Planet 3: Part 8 – Giant Enemy Crab
Another mission, another giant crab monster.
Let’s Play Lost Planet 3: Part 7, Station to Station
It’s rare when a game gives you an opportunity to make a timely David Bowie reference in the title.
This episode we have the hardest fight I’ve encountered thus far.
You’d have thought that on the ice planet people would have realized that extreme cold causes things to freeze on the machinery, so maybe we should do something about that. Nope! Continue reading
This time we’re retreading some old ground to get some new Thermal Energy.
Where I Play: Lost Planet 3 – Part 3, When Extraordinary Repairs Become Commonplace
We’ve got a lot of stuff to fix on this planet.
Where I Play: Lost Planet 3 – Part 2, Ice Planet Repairman
This time I deal with all the crud that needs to be fixed on this planet.
Where I Play: Lost Planet 3 – Part 1, Dirty Snowball
I’m starting a new Let’s Play, as the Dragon Age II LP wasn’t really working for various reasons. I’m doing Lost Planet 3 because the game has a more conventional level structure, so it makes it easier to have more conventional chapter stops. Continue reading