Over the past few months, I’ve been doing a Let’s Play of Mass Effect 3. I felt this was the best time to do that Let’s Play, with the impending release of Mass Effect Andromeda. We also have some time and distance from the initial controversy over Mass Effect 3’s ending, and the second wave of controversy over the “Director’s Cut”, which meant that I could approach the game fresh, without any of that baggage. So, how does Shepard’s final outing fare? Continue reading
Tag Archives: Mass Effect 3
Let’s Play Mass Effect 3: Part 67 – Wreckage
We board the Citadel, make our final choice, and I give my final thoughts on the game.
We make our final push to the beam, to head to the Citadel.
We take the fight to the Reapers, in the streets of London
Before the final battle, we tour our ship.
Let’s Play Mass Effect 3: Part 63 – “…serene in their assurance of empire over matter.”
At long last, we take down Kai Leng.
Let’s Play Mass Effect 3: Part 62 – “…over this globe about their little affairs…”
We launch our attack on The Illusive Man and Cerebus.
Let’s Play Mass Effect 3: Part 61 – “With infinite complacency men went to and fro…”
We continue our pursuit of Kai Leng, and discover what Cerberus wants the Catalyst for.
Cerebus is attacking a communications facility – it’s time to drive them off.
Let’s Play Mass Effect 3: Part 59 – “…the transient creatures that swarm and multiply…”
We head to Thessia to find a Prothean artifact.
This time we’ve found Leviathan, so it’s time to pay it a visit.
This time we continue our hunt for Leviathan on a remote Xeno Archeological dig site.
This time we’re hard on the trail of the Leviathan of Dis. The Moby Dick reference counts – there was a SF version of Moby Dick.
Let’s Play Mass Effect 3: Part 55 – …as a man with a microscope might scrutinize…
We get a lead on what we need to complete our superweapon.
This time we make a whole *ton* of deliveries.
This time we liberate Rannoch from the Reapers.
This episode gets a little maudlin as some party members pay their respects to fallen family.
We deal with a little bit of business before we return to the main story missions.
After saving the Normandy from being captured by our evil Doppleganger, it’s time to blow off some steam.
This time we’re taking our ship back.
This time the band as a whole goes to stop a heist on the Council Archives.
This time we end up pulling off a semi-heist in a Casino.
This time we’re invited for lunch with Joker, but it doesn’t go well.
This time we’re jacking into the Geth Consensus to shut down their fighters, and maybe do a little extra.