We get more information about our past, and learn some more about the truth behind The Flash.
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We wander back down through the dungeon before realizing that we’re better off bamfing back to town.
Continue readingWe meet the guy who reportedly kidnapped the queen.
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Let’s Play Wizardry Tale of the Forsaken Land: Part 69 – Take Two
I return to B5 again (after having to restart due to issues with my Bluetooth adapter).
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Let’s Play Wizardry Tale of the Forsaken Land: Part 68 – Up to Speed
I give an update regarding the delay between streams, before running into technical difficulties other than the lack of gameplay audio.
Continue readingWe meet the fairy, and have a fight with a Lesser Demon.
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Let’s Play Wizardry Tale of the Forsaken Land: Part 66 – The Two “J”s
On our way to the fairy, we have a reunion with Annemarie.
Continue readingWe unlock another shortcut back to Level B1.
Continue readingWe end up having a surprise reunion with Virgo!
Continue readingWe return to the music shop and learn the proprietor’s story.
Continue readingWe restore the spring before falling back to town to pick up the next quest.
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Let’s Play Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land: Part 61 – Giant Problems
We fight our first giant before having to take a detour.
Continue readingWe return to town, heal and level-up.
Continue readingWe run into a band of ogres who give us a hard time.
Continue readingWe start properly exploring B5 and fight a lot of spiders. As in, we’re going to be fighting a lot of spiders on B5, so be warned.
Continue readingWe make the return trip to B5.
Continue readingWe return to town, stopping to sell some monster parts along the way.
Continue readingWe retrieve the shield and make our way back to town on foot.
Continue readingWe head down to B4 to retrieve the lost shield.
Continue readingThe guy who was selling monsters earlier now has a shop where he’s selling monster parts!
Continue readingAfter a short stop in B5, we return back to town and turn in the missing husband quest.
Continue readingWe return to B4, and find Rose’s missing husband.
Continue readingWe return to town and upgrade our spells and gear before our next run.
Continue readingWe continue exploring B4 as we keep looking for the stairs down to the next level.
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