Well, you’ve just finished watching Evangelion on Netflix, and you’re wondering what to watch after this. I have a few recommendations here for you. The video is fairly spoiler-light so if you’re making your way through the show now, you should be fine.
Lists of all the works I recommend below the cut/further down, with affiliate links for Amazon and the Crunchyroll Store, and streaming links, where available. Buying anything through affiliate links helps to support the show.
1) Hideaki Anno
- Gunbuster The Movie: Amazon, Crunchyroll, Hidive
- Nadia and the Secret of Blue Water: Amazon, Crunchyroll
- Cutie Honey (2004): Amazon
- His & Her Circumstances/Kare Kano: Amazon (DVD), Amazon (Digital)
2) Thematic Similarities
- Paranoia Agent: Crunchyroll
- Perfect Blue: Amazon, Amazon (Digital), Crunchyroll
- Key the Metal Idol: Amazon, Crunchyroll Store, Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime
- Welcome to the NHK: Amazon, Amazon (Digital)
- Serial Experiments Lain: Amazon, Crunchyroll
3) Inspirations
- Mobile Suit Gundam: Amazon (Part 1), Crunchyroll Store
- Ultraman: Amazon (Pre-order)
- Gerry Anderson’s UFO: Amazon (Digital)
- Brave Raideen: Unlicensed ?????
- Mazinger Z: RightStuf (Part 1)
4) Reconstructions
- Mazinger Z: The Impact!: Amazon, Crunchyroll Store, Crunchyroll
- Getter Robo Armageddon: Amazon, Crunchyroll Store
- Godannar: Amazon, Hidive
- Gurren Lagann: Crunchyroll Store, Crunchyroll, Hulu
5) Just Give Me More Evangelion
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