I will admit, I’m not as familiar with Konosuba as I’d like to be. I’ve watched some of the show in advance of my first Anime Appendix N video, but I haven’t read any of the novels (though I’m planning to rectify some of that). However, the show was very much a success, so it’s not surprising that a different series of novels from the same author – Combatants Will Be Dispatched – has also received an anime adaptation.

Combatants Will Be Dispatched has a pretty novel premise for an Isekai (no pun intended). Rather than following some character from our world who is summoned to another world by a magical power, or reincarnated after their death, it instead follows Six. Six is an agent for an Evil Villain organization, much like those who appear in various Tokusatsu series… with a general level of actual villainy equal to something like Team Rocket.
With the organization almost on the cusp of taking over the world (Of Course!) – they need to start looking into other opportunities for expansion. Fortunately, they have discovered another world with a more primitive technological level ripe for conquest, so they send Six, along with the combat android Alice to that other world with instructions to establish a beachhead.
However, that other world is your standard Western Fantasy-Inspired Isekai setting, where our protagonists get roped into helping wage a war against the Evil Demon Lord. However, just because they’re fighting on the side of Good, doesn’t meant they’re going to fight honorably. In short – our protagonists wage their campaign like a bunch of Neutral Evil on the Sheet/Neutral Good in their actions (or vice versa) player characters.
That said, some of the humor related to the Evil acts committed by our protagonists – specifically Six – does cross some lines that merit some serious content advisory warnings. Stuff like sexual assault through groping, flashing his genitals (both random passers by and in one instance putting his junk on top of someone’s head), exposing female characters underwear without their consent, taking lewd photographs of a female character who was paralyzed in a compromising position (this one’s in the OP), and in the final episode very sincerely threatening an antagonist (with the body type of a minor) with sexual assault at the hands of one of his minion who was recently assigned to him.
It plays like a D&D campaign played by a bunch of middle school edgelords who can’t take anything seriously, with a GM who wanted to run a serious campaign, and is just good enough at keeping them on track that they’re actually able to proceed with the plot. For good and for ill. When the humor lands it lands hard, and when it fails, it hits with a wet thud.
I can’t give the show an unreserved recommendation because of the content warnings I mentioned above, but if those aren’t an obstacle, or if you want to give the show a try regardless, it’s available for streaming on Funimation, both subtitles and a slowly being posted dub.
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