We had a bit of a more role-play heavy chapter this time, somewhat related to some technical difficulties.
The characters:
- Drystan Silverhart – Level 4 Aasamar Paladin (Knight of Solamnia)
- Yseult De Lorimar – Level 4 Human Warlock (Noble)
- “Fletch” Siannodel – Level 4 Kagonesti Elven Ranger (Folk Hero)
- Sabelina – Level 4 Human Cleric of Gilean (Acolyte)
- Sidekicks: Hrigg Roundrook and Tem Temble
So, there was a bit of a late start here because a power outage futzed with my computer’s IP address and in turn with some of my Firewall rules, so I had to fix those. Then Yseult’s player’s computer wasn’t working well with audio on discord, so we had to make some new arrangements for that – and had to put her character arc on hold while she got that fixed. However, eventually all of that got cleared up.
Honestly, we had more general technical issues based on those than anything that was caused by switching over to the 2025 D&D rules. The shift to Fletch’s ranger was fairly straightforward, and it felt like Drystan didn’t quite go as nova as much as he did before in combat – but I also couldn’t really tell, considering the opponents we had in combat.
To rewind a little, we opened the session with Drystan getting his “Tacticool” Armor that was redone in Vogler, redone again to keep with The Measure. Drystan also elected to shift from swords as his primary weapon to a big hammer, to reflect issues with the petrification gas from the Draconians. This is more of a roleplay thing – 5e Draconians don’t take your weapon away – but it’s a fun one. They also checked in with Mayor Raven, and saw that they’d already received some deliveries of lumber for constructing shelters, and a kitchen had been set up to feed the refugees warm meals.
Once Yseult’s player’s technical issues had been straightened out, we did her delivery of the letter from her initial test to Wyhan – a Black Robed mage. Because Yseult’s Pact is specifically related to The Power Of Love, I played Wyhan as being… bemused over the whole thing – and considering Yseult (who didn’t open the letter) to be the perfect fit for the White Robes, which she considered a bunch of naive fools.

After that, we got our combat of the session, with their first assigned mission – to seek out Tatina Rookledust at her home & lab south of town, to learn more about the Boilerdrak, only to discover her besieged by Goblins, with a Hobgoblin commander. The encounter went really quick, helped by the party pretty much taking out the Hobgoblin and half the regular Goblins in about a round and a half, which was an automatic morale check failure for the surviving goblins, and they fled.
In the dialog with Tatina, they learned about the Boilerdrak, along with also being informed about the invention of the Fargab – which I described like a World War II backpack field radio, complete with a crank.
We wrapped the session there – no level up yet.
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