This week I’m giving my (belated) thoughts on Kumoricon 2016, along with brief thoughts on Eva 3.0, and my thoughts on seeing Akira on the big screen for the first time.
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EVA 3.33 confused the daylights out of me. I need to watch it again. Maybe actually paying attention would help? 🙂
It helped that I’d spent a while doing podcasts at Bureau42 and short essays on my fanzine and on Reddit explaining elements of the Eva franchise (and in discussion threads on on the topic that I’d come to understand a bunch of the themes that Anno was going for with Evangelion as a work (as I mentioned in the video – the importance of communication*), so I was already looking for them when Anno decided to make what had been implicit themes explicit in 3.33.
Seriously, the only way they could have made the theme more explicit would be if they used “Keep Talking” by Pink Floyd over the closing credits.