
Book Review: Emmanuelle II

A while back, I reviewed the first Emmanuelle novel, a book which, through its film adaptation, kicked off what was, for a time, a mainstreaming of erotica. I’ve now finished reading the sequel, titled Emmanuelle II, and it almost addresses some of the problems that I had with the first book, but ends up re-introducing them late in the book, and introducing some new ones.

Content Warning: As with the first novel, I will get into some frank discussion of sex, sexuality, and some of the sex acts that are depicted in this novel.

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Book Review: Emmanuelle

After I finished reading Emmanuelle, I was very hesitant to discuss the book on my blog, because normally I don’t get into 18+ material here. However, that said, when it comes to the topic of literary erotica, Emmanuelle is the 500 lb gorilla. 50 Shades of Grey couldn’t dream of provoking a multi-million dollar film franchise lasting decades, complete with a big-budget high profile reboot in production with (at least previously) a major actress attached in the title role. Only D. H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover even remotely comes close to the level of impact. But in the year 2024, approaching 60 years since its initial publication, does it hold up?

Content Warning: There will be some descriptions of explicit content in this review – described less explicitly than the source material, but still explicit enough that you couldn’t say it on the radio.

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Book Review: Weird of the White Wolf

Weird of the White Wolf is the fourth part of the first of the current set of Elric omnibus volumes, and undoubtedly, this is where things get serious. I mean – there were serious things before, but this is where Elric gets shoved headlong into his destiny (the “Weird” in the title referring the Old English use of the word – Wyrd – meaning destiny) – like it or not (tending towards “or not”). And this is helped by the fact that here is where we encounter the first stories in the publication order, even if they’re not the first in Elric’s internal chronology.

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