This time we discuss the first 3 films in the Garden of Sinners series of movies, which are available for streaming on Crunchyroll.

Anime Explorations Episode 26: Garden of Sinners (Pt. 1-3)

This time we discuss the first 3 films in the Garden of Sinners series of movies, which are available for streaming on Crunchyroll. Next time we’re watching Animal Treasure Island, which is available for streaming on the Internet Archive, and which also received a physical release from Discotek Media.

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It’s time for the inaugural installment of Nasuvember, as we take a look at the first anime adaptation of a work by creator Kinoko Nasu: the 2003 version of Tsukhime.

Episode 14: Tsukhime (2003)

It’s time for the inaugural installment of Nasuvember, as we take a look at the first anime adaptation of a work by creator Kinoko Nasu: the 2003 version of Tsukhime.

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