
2025 New Year’s Resolutions: Anime

I didn’t quite get through all my shows that I’d picked for my 2024 New Year’s Resolutions this year, and to a degree this is a bit of my own doing, because I’d also not accounted to something that I had at my disposal: the podcast. Several of the shows that I’d picked, honestly, would have been good podcast fodder. Admittedly, some of those were also shows that would have been difficult to do on the podcast due to lack of streaming availability (like Betterman, Freedom, or Teknolyze). However, other ones – including one of the leftover shows, were. So, when it came to doing my list for this year, I put my list together based on two things: what would finish up the AniList Advanced Challenge for me and what would make for good podcast fodder.

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Video games

2025 New Year’s Resolutions: Video Games

A new year is coming up, so it’s time to put together my proper New Year’s Resolutions – I’ve gotten through pretty much all of my video game resolutions (I should have actually finished Xenoblade Chronicles Remastered by the end of the year), so I’m going to start with my video games list first. This is going to be a longer list, as I’m doing a few more Joined In Progress games.

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My Video Game & Anime New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

With a new year come some New Year’s Resolutions – and like many fans of video games and anime, I have a massive pile of shame, when it comes to series that I’m trying to get through each year. So, I’d like to try to make a dent in that, and hopefully, a public resolution will help. So, these are my New Year’s Resolutions for 2024.

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