Role Playing Games

Supers RPG Experimentation: A-Ko

So, with tabletop RPGs, I like to pick out a few character concepts to use for creating characters to help learn the system – often based on anime, movies, TV shows, or novels – trying to emulate those characters to help learn the system. For example, for Fantasy games I tend to go with the Heroes of Lodoss. Recently I’ve picked up a couple of supers RPGs – the Marvel Multiverse RPG and the Sentinels Comics, and I’m creating some test characters in the process of trying to learn the system. My first trial run: A-Ko.

Eiko "A-Ko" Magami from Project A-Ko


Marvel Multiverse

Rank: 5
Real Name: Eiko Magami
Origin: Alien
Occupation: Student


  • Melee: 8 [Defense: 18; Non-Combat +3; Damage x8 + 8]
  • Agility: 8 [Defense: 18; Damage x5 + 8]
  • Resilience: 7
  • Vigilance: 4
  • Ego: 5 [Defense: 12; Damage x5 +5]
  • Logic: 2 [Defense: 11; Damage x5 +2]

Initiative: +4
Health: 210 (*HDR -3)
Focus: 120


  • Quick Learner
  • Determination


  • Alien Heritage
  • Young
  • Mentor
  • Obligation: School
  • Heroic


  • Basic
    • Mighty 3
    • Slow-Motion Dodge
    • Wisecracker
  • Super-Strength
    • Clobber
    • Smash
    • Jump 2
    • Crushing Grip
    • Quick Toss
    • Banging Heads
    • Unrelenting Smash

Sentinel Comics (Original Version)

Real Name: Eiko Magami
First Appearance: Project A-Ko (1986)
Created by: Katsuhiko Nishijima
: A tall Japanese high school girl, wearing her school’s standard uniform, with red hair and distinctive bracers on her wrists.
Background: Dynasty
Power Source: Alien
Archetype: Physical Powerhouse
Personality: Cheerful
Health: 28

Status: Green D10, Yellow D8, Red D8
Qualities: Close Combat d10, Fitness d10, Acrobatics d8, Imposing d8, “Ordinary” High School Girl d8
Powers: Agility d8, Speed d8, Strength d8, Leaping d8

Principles: Great Power, Strength


Power StrikeActionAttack using Close Combat and use your Max die.
GalvanizeActionBoost using Strength. Apply that bonus to all hero Attack and Overcome actions until the start of your next turn.


HaltReactionWhen you are Attacked at close range, Defend yourself by rolling your single Strength die
Empower and RepairActionBoost, Hinder, Defend, or Attack using Agility. You and all nearby heroes in the Yellow or Red zone Recover Health equal to your Min die.
Damage ResistantInherentReduce any physical or energy damage by 2


Endurance FightingInherentWhenever you Attack a target with an action, you may also Hinder that target with your Min die.
Finishing BlowActionAttack using Close Combat. Use your Max die. Remove any number of penalties from the target. Add your Min die to the Attack each time you remove a penalty

Retcon: Increased Red Die to D8.

Out: Boost an ally by rolling your single Strength die.

Sentinel Comics (with assistance from Spatula at RPGnet)

Real Name: Eiko Magami
First Appearance: Project A-Ko (1986)
Created by: Katsuhiko Nishijima
: A tall Japanese high school girl, wearing her school’s standard uniform, with red hair and distinctive bracers on her wrists.
Background: Dynasty
Power Source: Scion of Superheroes (but really Tech Upgrades)
Archetype: Close Quarters Combat
Personality: Upbeat (but really Jovial)
Health: 32

Qualities: Acrobatics d8, Close Combat d10, Imposing d10, “Ordinary” High School Girl d8
Powers: Agility d8, Leaping d8, Speed d8, Strength d10, Vitality d8
Status: Green d6, Yellow d8, Red d10

Principles: Great Power, Youth*
* (or maybe make a custom “Friends” principle that uses Max to Overcome and gets a point when you rescue them from peril)

Keep Your Guard Up [was Defensive Strike from CQC] (A) Defend using Close Combat. Attack using your Min die.

Knock-Out Blow [was Offensive Strike from CQC] A) Attack using Strength. Use your Max die.

Leaping Stomp [was Organi-Hack from Tech Upgrades] (A): Attack a target using Leaping. Hinder that target with your Min die.

Speedy Strike [was Precise Strike from CQC] A) Attack using Speed. Ignore all penalties on this Attack, ignore any Defend actions, and it cannot be affected by Reactions.

Making Me Mad [was Tactical Analysis from Tech Upgrades] (R) When Attacked, treat the amount of damage you take as a Boost action for yourself.

School Spirit [was Recharge from Tech Upgrades] (A): Boost yourself using Vitality, then either remove a penalty on yourself or Recover using your Min die.

Throw Mecha [was Throw Minion from CQC] (A): Attack a minion using Strength. Whatever that minion rolls as defense Attacks another target of your choice.

Endurance Fighting (I): Whenever you Attack a target with an action, you may also Hinder that target with your Min die.

Finishing Blow (A): Attack using Close Combat. Use your Max die. Remove any number of penalties from the target. Add your Min die to the Attack each time you remove a penalty.

Running on Missiles [was Paragon Feat] (A): Overcome using Speed in a situation that requires you to be more than humanly capable, like an extreme feat of strength or speed. Use your Max+Min dice. Boost all nearby allies with your Mid die.

Out: Defend an ally by rolling your single Imposing die.

Retcon: 3rd red ability.


I picked A-Ko to start with as she’s very much your classic “Brick” type superhero, with “Leaps Tall Buildings in a Single Bound” instead of flight. With Sentinel Comics, I went with the rules as written – Spatula’s revision does some stuff like I didn’t think about doing (such as using the mechanical effects of specific powers and flavors, and then just renaming them to fit what they’re actually doing on the character). Spatula’s stats also better reflect the escalation of the series – A-Ko doing more and more impressive physical feats first as she’s antagonized by B-Ko’s Mean Girl Posse, and then when the alien invasion shows up and kidnaps C-Ko. It’s particularly impressive considering that Spatula hadn’t seen the movie or OVAs before, and was instead going by my writeup – description of the character to go with the write-up

For Marvel Multiverse RPG – I was debating making her a Rank 4 – on par with She-Hulk, but ultimately went with a Rank 5 – on par with The Thing instead. Oddly enough – she was actually easier to create with Marvel Multiverse – I might swap the Mentor tag with something else because she doesn’t necessarily have a major mentor figure in the movie or any of the OVAs.

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