Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate a proper mechanical keyboard. Not just because of the nice, satisfying “click” sound when you press a key, and the tactile sensation of pressing them compared to using a membrane keyboard. They’re also easier to clean and less likely to get gummed up by the general debris and detritus of regular usage. When 8bitdo, whose controllers I’ve been using for a while, branched out into keyboards, I had a moment of “Do I really want to swap out my Logitech keyboard for one of these” – until one of them went on sale by enough that I decided that yes, I did want to get one. Now it’s time for my thoughts.
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5 Things About Living With Autism In A Pandemic
I have a video scheduled to go up next month looking back at the past couple years, and giving my thoughts on living with Autism through those two years, and everything that happened with them. This is a separate, more granular listicle, talking about small, granular, little things, that I observed about life in the pandemic – while living with Autism.
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Thoughts on the OryCon Hiatus
In 2021, after OryCon 42, the event is planning to go on hiatus until – minimum 2023 – after announcing an indefinite hiatus. This means, for at least next year, possibly longer if they don’t get volunteers, Oregon will be without a Lit-SF convention. As OryCon is the first lit-SF convention I went to, the convention that caused me to get started on my fanzine, and where I made several people I consider to be good Con-Friends, I have some thoughts about this.
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Autism, Intersectionality, and Asking Questions
There’s a quote that came across my Tumblr recently on this post, from this article in Disability Studies Quarterly.
Most autistic people who are capable of formulating questions have frequently experienced the following scenario: We ask for information that we need in order to prepare ourselves for a new experience. Instead of answering our questions, NT people tell us that we don’t need to ask these questions at all. We just need to relax and stop being so anxious. The fact is that being able to ask questions, and getting clear answers to our questions, and thus knowing what to expect, are often the very things autistic people need in order to be able to relax and not be anxious. Asking a lot of questions about the details of a situation is usually not a “maladaptive behavior” that increases an autistic person’s anxiety. More often it’s an adaptive strategy that an autistic person is using to reduce anxiety or to prevent being in an anxiety-provoking situation in the first place. It’s very important for us to have thorough explanations and ample opportunities to ask questions.
Jim Sinclair, “Cultural Commentary: Being Autistic Together”
This got me thinking about the difficulties I’ve had, as an Autistic person, dealing with social justice advocacy and how properly to engage.
Continue readingEditorial: We Need Social Justice Resources for People On-Spectrum
I am a person who wants to be involved in the, for lack of a better term, Social Justice Space. I’m also a person on the Autism Spectrum, and I’ve run a support group for people on the Autism Spectrum in my metroplex. I should parse that better – I’ve run, in my metroplex, a support group for people on the Autism Spectrum, and I’ve had friends who were also on the spectrum when I went through High School. Also, as part of my major in Information Technology (Health Informatics), took a bunch of classes in Technical Writing. So, when it comes to social justice issues, I think a lot about how to communicate to people – and particular when it comes to communicating with people on the Autism Spectrum. I’ve come to the conclusion that what needs to happen is that there needs to be a resource for people on the Autism Spectrum, to learn about the nuance of social justice issues, in order to engage with social justice issues in a better manner. Continue reading
Editorial – Slight Rant about 4K/HDR TVs
I need to complain a little bit about the design and manufacturing of 4K TVs. Continue reading
So, I’ve been blogging on this site for several years, and have never done a proper introductory post. Perhaps now it’s time to fix that.
Welcome to the show
Greetings all. This is, I hope, the start of a new chapter of my blogging history. It is my intent to update this blog a little more often then my previous blog through LiveJournal.
Among other content I plan on using this blog for is review of media, be it games and movies that I watch, as well as my thoughts on all matters, various and sundry, along with any “Where I Watch” or “Let’s Play” topics that I decide to do.