One other quick medical note – that I’m not just posting here because I need to fill space, but because this is a sincere reminder. I recently got tested for Sleep Apnea, and it was determined that I do, in fact, have Sleep Apnea and will be getting a CPAP machine in the not-too-distant future. Again, I’m probably going to go more-in-depth with this once I actually get the CPAP machine. However, suffice it to say that over the past few years I have had some problems sleeping, and family members have reported that I snore – along with my observing some of my own snoring while napping.
This, combined with paying attention to my sleep data on my FitBit and with it how rested I am or am not lead me to come to the conclusion that I should take on a sleep study and get tested. I’m glad I did that – pro wrestlers from promotions like ECW have died from Sleep Apnea (Johnny Grunge), and Ryan Davis (who had the pleasure to meet at San Diego Comic Con the one year I went) had to deal with it it as well – and my Mom also experiences it – so I felt it was worth getting tested. So, this is my prompt to you, my readers and viewers, if you have problems sleeping, if you have issues with snoring or other respiratory issues, if any sleep-tracker you use shows that say, you’re losing over an hour of sleep a night, consider getting tested for Sleep Apnia – it could improve your sleep and save your life.