I’ve taken out the power, time to take out his security.

Anime Review: Majestic Prince
At the end of 2024, having missed the submission date for regular Anime Secret Santa, I decided to take part in AniList’s Secret Santa event (my AniList profile is here, by the way). The show I ended up getting in my pick was Majestic Prince – a show that had ended up on my watchlist anyway due to it showing up early in Super Robot Wars 30. So, after finishing my rewatch of season 3 of Thunderbolt Fantasy for the Anime Explorations Podcast, I moved on to this.
Continue readingBook Review: Emmanuelle II
A while back, I reviewed the first Emmanuelle novel, a book which, through its film adaptation, kicked off what was, for a time, a mainstreaming of erotica. I’ve now finished reading the sequel, titled Emmanuelle II, and it almost addresses some of the problems that I had with the first book, but ends up re-introducing them late in the book, and introducing some new ones.
Content Warning: As with the first novel, I will get into some frank discussion of sex, sexuality, and some of the sex acts that are depicted in this novel.
Continue readingI learn the true story of the world’s creation, see the game’s ending, and I give my final thoughts.

Video Game Review: Trails in the Sky 3rd
Trails in the Sky 3rd is the final installment of the Grancel Trilogy of what has become the larger series of Trails games. While the narrative focus for this game moves away from Joshua and Estelle Bright (their time in the spotlight finished in Trails in the Sky 2nd Chapter) – the third installment instead serves as something of an epilogue for the series, and with it sets up not only the Crossbell arc (Trails from Zero), but also the Erebonia (Trails of Cold Steel) and Calvard (Trails from Daybreak) arcs as well.
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Book Review: Akata Witch
I’m finally getting somewhat caught up on some of the more recent Sword & Laser book club picks – this time one of the first YA novels (that aren’t light novels) that I’ve read in a while – Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor.
Continue readingThis week I’m reviewing the first of the game I played through on my Let’s Play channel – Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth.
Anime Explorations Episode 28: Thunderbolt Fantasy – Bewitching Melody of the West & Season 3
This month, in honor of Lunar New Year, we’re discussing the second Thunderbolt Fantasy film and the third season of the show. As of this recording season 4 was not available on Crunchyroll for streaming, but it ended up going up while I was editing this episode.
Dragonlance: Shadows of the Dragon Queen Part 4: Rearguard Action
This was then we din’t quite get through the big string of fights that mark the end of this first chapter. We also got a new player (and thus a new character) in the party.
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Video Game Review: Final Fantasy IV Pixel Remaster
I wasn’t expecting to get through my first New Year’s Resolution this early, relatively speaking – this is going up partway through January, but I was close enough to the end of Final Fantasy IV that I was able to finish the game before the full the first full week of the month. This is a game that I had been trying to beat off and on since I was in Middle School. So, I’m glad that I’ve finally gotten to beat the game – so now the question becomes, was it worth the wait.
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Anime Review: A Certain Magical Index (S1 & 2)
When I finished A Certain Magical Index Season 2, and sat down to write this review, I thought I’d also reviewed Season 1. It turns out I have not – so I’ve got a lot of ground to cover in this review. Hopefully it will go fairly quickly, because while I cannot speak for the novels, but the anime version of these stories is a remarkably breezy watch.
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