It’s been a bit since I talked about cookbooks – and I have a couple of quick passing thoughts on a couple of James Beard’s cookbooks that I want to post now… since I fell behind and didn’t get anything scheduled for today (wrapping up my current position at work has been very crazy).
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The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook: Book Review
I like cookbooks. They are the fusion of my love for cooking and food, and my background in technical writing. I also love fantasy fiction & roleplaying games, with The Elder Scrolls series in particular. So, when I first played Skyrim and found there was cooking in the game, one of my first thoughts was “Man, an Elder Scrolls cookbook would be neat!” So, when one finally came out, I knew that I needed to check it out. Much as with the second Von Bek novel, I should have been looking at the Monkey’s Paw.
Continue readingThis time I’m discussing two cookbooks, “Mexican Everyday” by Rick Bayless, and “Molto Italiano” by Mario Batali. Continue reading
This time I’m reviewing the second cookbook I’ve talked about thus far: How To Cook Everything – The Basics, by Mark Bittman. Continue reading

Book Review – Jamie’s Food Revolution
This week I’m doing my first ever cookbook review, as I take a look at at the companion cookbook to Jamie Oliver’s cooking show “Jamie’s Food Revolution” Continue reading