We have almost finished Year 8 of Nintendo Power, with a fairly lean issue.
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Another light issue, but we get our first dedicated coverage of a third party N64 game.
Continue readingVery light issue this time, as this issue is covering a lot of other games that we’ve already covered.
Continue readingWe get a bunch of upcoming N64 titles this issue – not reviews of them, just discussion, as a bunch of them aren’t ready yet. But we’re getting closer to launch.
Continue readingNot a lot of games this issue, but we do get some discussion of the N64 controller!
Continue readingIt’s time for the inferior version of Mortal Kombat III!
Continue readingWe have a new Mario game this issue!
Continue readingNintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 103
We haven’t had a fighting game on the cover in a while – how about a first-party one.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 102
This issue we have the introduction of the Virtual Boy.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 101
We have a smaller number of games this issue, since at least a couple games have been previously reviewed. However, we have an actually good fighting game for the Game Boy.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 100
We have our 100th episode – and we celebrate with an issue that teases great games to come (but otherwise features some pretty mediocre titles)
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 99
We finish off the Best of the Rest before we start Nintendo Power Year 8.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 98
We have another 11 games on the Best of the Rest, all from the SNES.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 97
The Best of the Rest for Nintendo Power Year 7 continues with another 10 games.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 96
This Christmas we start the Best of the Rest of Nintendo Power’s 7th year.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 95
This issue has the results of the 7th annual Nintendo Power Awards.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 94
This week we have a bunch of movie licensed games and the launch of a major puzzle franchise that continues to this day.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 93
We return to our regular episodes with two streetball basketball games – one with NBA stars, one with Looney Tunes characters. If there was only some way to get them to meet…
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 92
I’m putting the next episode of the show on hold for a month, in the wake of the tragedy at Kyoto Animation and due to the presence of “The Ignition Factor” among the covered games. Instead, I’ll be discussing the second companion book to one of Nintendo’s miniature consoles – Playing With Super Power.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 91
The Play It Loud era continues with a pair of Kirby titles.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 90
We return to our regular issues of Nintendo Power with the first issue of the Play It Loud era.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 89 – Donkey Kong Country Exposed
In this episode, I’m giving my thoughts on the Donkey Kong Country Exposed video that was sent out to Nintendo Power subscribers, alongside the last issue of Nintendo Power.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 88
This time we have what might be the last new NES game to be featured in Nintendo Power.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives – Part 87
This time we’ve got Rare’s first big title for the SNES – Donkey Kong Country.
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