Time for a bit of a Sealed Envelope Video, where I talk – in advance of the Analogue 3D’s release, of the feature I want the most from the console.
Tag Archives: Retro Gaming

Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 138
It’s time to take a look at what was going on in the game industry as a whole in late 1997, early 1998.
I’ve gotten my Polymega back, and while I’m not ready for a full review yet, I give some notes on where I’m at with the system, and a few more things I need to do before I’m ready for the review.
Got a whole bunch of stuff to cover this time.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 130
We have our first issue after issue 100, and we have a whole bunch of N64 games this issue.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 129
We have come to Nintendo Power’s 100th issue.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 127
We have another sequel to a SNES game this issue, with Starfox 64.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 124
We’re finishing Nintendo Power’s ninth year, and we have the results of the Nintendo Power Awards.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 123
Things are finally picking up, with 4 games this issue!
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NextGen #25: January 1997
We are starting 1997 in NextGen magazine – typically a slow time for game releases.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 121
A slow issue this month, but we’ve still got a big one, with Mario Kart 64.
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NextGen #23: November 1996
Well, we’re breaking even when it comes to catching up to Nintendo Power.
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NextGen #22: October 1996
We’re slowly getting caught back up with Nintendo Power with our next issue of NextGen, for October, 1996
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NextGen #21 – September 1996
We’re slowly getting closer to catching up with the Nintendo Power Retrospectives, as we come to NextGen’s coverage of the N64 launch.
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NextGen #20: August 1996
Continuing to get caught up with Nintendo Power with our next issue of NextGen, which has Chris Crawford’s column back, though the issue is generally lighter overall.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 114
The launch of the N64 gets ever closer, as we get to the issue of Nintendo Power after the 1996 E3.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 113
We’re starting year 9, and Nintendo Power is stalling for time as we wait for the release of the N64.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Special – Looking Back on the SNES
We’re coming to the end of the SNES’s lifespan, so I give some thoughts looking back at the console’s life, what it introduced, and the impact it had on video games – and how that may have helped lead to the exodus to the PS1.
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NextGen #16: April 1996
We continue ever close to the launch of the N64.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 110
We have almost finished Year 8 of Nintendo Power, with a fairly lean issue.
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Continue readingNot a lot of games this issue, but we do get some discussion of the N64 controller!
Continue readingIt’s time for the inferior version of Mortal Kombat III!
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GBP – Azure Bonds #7: Road to Yulash
No, I haven’t forgotten this project.
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