I’m taking my book reviews and adapting them into a new ongoing project with Legends of the Force, a look at the Star Wars “Legends” continuity in order of publication. This time I’m taking a look at Splinter of the Mind’s Eye – from how it came about, to how the story stacks up in its own right. Continue reading

Books, Star Wars

Book Review: Splinter of the Mind’s Eye by Alan Dean Foster

The old Star Wars Expanded Universe wrapped up, now that I think about it, several years ago – being set aside in favor of a new EU which would tie more closely to the new Star Wars films. The Old EU got a lot of crap – some justified (Jedi Academy Trilogy), some maybe less so. Thus, I’ve decided to go through the old EU, in order of publication, to see how things evolved, and whether the good parts hold up, or if the bad parts have any redeeming qualities. Continue reading
