Video games, videos

Nintendo Power Retrospective – Part 12

This week I’ve come to the end of Nintendo Power’s first year, and boy is this issue weak on games to review. On the bright side, one of these is a classic from Capcom. We also have the results of the first annual Nintendo Power Awards, which can best be described as a mixed bag. Continue reading


This week we continue with Nintendo Power #2, and a few games that are somewhat controversial – including the first Castlevania game I’ve reviewed thus far.

Nintendo Power Retrospective – Part 8

This week we continue with Nintendo Power #2, and a few games that are somewhat controversial. Main Title: ‘Jazz Plumber Trio’ – Remixed by DJPretzel – Closing Credits: ‘The Accursed Seal’ – Remixed by Sixto Sounds – Games Covered: Bionic Commando Castlevania II Super Mario Bros.

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