It’s time to review the conclusion of the second Halo Trilogy.
Tag Archives: 2020s in video games

Video Game Review: Citizen Sleeper
This week the final episode of my Let’s Play of Citizen Sleeper went up – and for those who didn’t want to sit through that last video to get my thoughts on the game itself, or want something a little more organized – here you go.
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Video Game Review: Halo Infinite
The Halo series, from the jump, is a series that is known for creating the illusion of large open spaces for the player to explore, especially through the various levels of the game that combine large driving sequences with areas where the player has to get out and plunge into various Forerunner or Covenant facilities. So, by all rights, Halo Infinite just going full Open World game should be the right call, right? Right?
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Video Game Review: Marvel’s Midnight Suns
When I put out my list of New Year’s Resolutions for games (in addition to Anime), I expected some of these to take a while, even the ones that were joined in progress. What I did not anticipate was getting iced in for a week during Awesome Games Done Quick, so I decided to spend some of that time (since I wasn’t working on work), playing a turn-based game on the side, so I could split my attention – and over a week I ended up plowing through what I had left of Marvel’s Midnight Suns. Now, that was about 8 hours a day for 7 days, or about 56 hours, and I was at Act 2, so I still had a ways to go. However, this does give me some high hopes for meeting my Resolutions for the year.
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Summer Game Fest 2023 Picks
It’s my 12th anniversary (more or less), so it’s time for my Summer Game Fest picks (since there’s no E3 this year).
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Picks from Week 1-ish of Summer Games Fest 2023
We’ve gotten the kickoff of Summer Games Fest 2023, and I’ve got my picks from the various announcement/event/whatever streams that I’ve watched from the past week plus this weekend (as of 6/11/2023), so it’s time to give my picks for the stuff that caught my interest. I’ll have a video focusing on my top 10 or so at the start of July, to wrap up the month.
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Thoughts on Sony’s 2023 State of Play
So, we don’t have an E3 this year, but we have a lot of other things – starting off with Sony’s 2023 State of Play this week – and while I will do a video at the end of the… stuff – summing up my thoughts on the whole thing, I figure it would be reasonably appropriate to give some quick thoughts on the stuff showcased at this event.
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Vlog: Keigh-3 2022 Picks
It’s time for 10 of my picks for the games that caught my interest from Keigh-3 2022.
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Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Video Game Video Review
Haven’t done a video review of a video game outside of Nintendo Power Retrospectives in a while, so It’s time to give my thoughts on something *very* recent – Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2021): Video Game Review
Square’s last game using the Marvel license, Marvel’s Avengers, was a live-service game that did not fare well. Last year, however, they put out a different video game take on some of Marvel’s characters – The Guardians of the Galaxy – which focuses on the spacefaring team of heroes, and it pulls of the concept much, much better.
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Spider-Man: Miles Morales – Video Game Review
Last year, I played through and reviewed Marvel’s Spider-Man for the PlayStation 4. It was a fun game that played very well, but had some narrative issues – some of which were iffy at the time of the game’s initial release, and had aged even worse by the time George Floyd had been murdered by a police officer. So, we now have a new expansion for the game, focusing on Miles Morales, who had developed his powers at the end of the last game, and centering him in the story. The question is, can it also address some of the main game’s narrative hiccups?
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Cyberpunk 2077 Video Game Review
Normally, I do a review of the video games that I’ve beaten once I beat them, on top of whatever I’m doing for Nintendo Power Retrospectives or other works. Cyberpunk 2077 puts me in a weird spot, because due to how spectacularly high-profile it was and how high profile its failings were, it’s a game that has been picked apart by hordes of other critics, like starlings attacking a freshly restocked suet bird feeder. So, on the one hand, what do I say that other people haven’t said while picking this game apart? On the other, it would be somewhat negligent if I didn’t say anything. So, here goes.
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Astro’s Playroom: Video Game Review
I have finally, after much waiting, obtained a PS5. With that, among other things, comes Astro’s Playroom, a platformer designed to showcase the features of the Dual-Sense Controller.
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Ghost of Tsushima: Video Review
This week I’m giving my thoughts on the last game I beat in 2020, and get into how Orientalism and lazy research can lead to a perpetuation of fascist perspectives of the past.
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Ghost of Tsushima: Video Game Review
Ghost of Tsushima was the last game I beat in 2020 – I completed the game on New Year’s Eve on a launch PS4, and in spite of that console’s age, Tsushima is a title that looks and plays beautifully.
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