We have a new Mario game this issue!
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 103
We haven’t had a fighting game on the cover in a while – how about a first-party one.
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Let’s Play Wizardry Tale of the Forgotten Land: Part 7 – Return to the Dungeon
This time, I re-familiarize myself with the game.
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NextGen Magazine #8 – August 1995
The Sega Saturn is out, and this issue is the first full issue in response to that.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 101
We have a smaller number of games this issue, since at least a couple games have been previously reviewed. However, we have an actually good fighting game for the Game Boy.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 100
We have our 100th episode – and we celebrate with an issue that teases great games to come (but otherwise features some pretty mediocre titles)
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 99
We finish off the Best of the Rest before we start Nintendo Power Year 8.
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NextGen #5 (May 1995): Where I Read
It’s been a month, so it’s a good time for another recap of NextGen Magazine. This time, as mentioned in my last recap, I’m going to be skipping over the review section, as the reviews in NextGen over the past 4 issues have been very brief and not very informative – and have not had any names attached to them so I can’t get a vibe for individual critics taste in games.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 98
We have another 11 games on the Best of the Rest, all from the SNES.
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NextGen #4 (April 1995): Where I Read
It’s been a while since my last recap of NextGen, mainly because these take a long time to transcribe. Also because they’re kind of long. Still, it’s time to return to this chunk of video game history, and with it take a look at some of the platforms that fell by the wayside.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 97
The Best of the Rest for Nintendo Power Year 7 continues with another 10 games.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 96
This Christmas we start the Best of the Rest of Nintendo Power’s 7th year.
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Let’s Play Sakura Wars So Long My Love: Part 4 – Proving Ourselves
We distribute fliers for the show in an attempt to prove our worth.
(Sorry for the audio issues early on in the show).
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 95
This issue has the results of the 7th annual Nintendo Power Awards.
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Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2019 Vlog
I went to Portland Retro Gaming Expo this year, and give my thoughts on the event.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 94
This week we have a bunch of movie licensed games and the launch of a major puzzle franchise that continues to this day.
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Viewtiful Joe: Video Game Review
For the past month or so I’ve been doing Let’s Play streams of Viewtiful Joe, a 2.5D character action game from Clover Studios. Now that I’ve beaten the game and the last edited installments have gone up, it’s time for me to give my thoughts on the game as a whole.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 91
The Play It Loud era continues with a pair of Kirby titles.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 90
We return to our regular issues of Nintendo Power with the first issue of the Play It Loud era.
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[Where I Read] NextGen Magazine #2 (Feb, 1995)
I’m continuing with NextGen Magazine with the NextGen #2. With the second issue hitting in February of 1995, it makes keeping track of what year I’m on a lot easier.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 89 – Donkey Kong Country Exposed
In this episode, I’m giving my thoughts on the Donkey Kong Country Exposed video that was sent out to Nintendo Power subscribers, alongside the last issue of Nintendo Power.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives: Part 88
This time we have what might be the last new NES game to be featured in Nintendo Power.
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Nintendo Power Retrospectives – Part 87
This time we’ve got Rare’s first big title for the SNES – Donkey Kong Country.
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[Where I Read] NextGen Magazine #1
It has been a long time since I did Where I Read for a video game magazine, as much of the work I had been putting into my read through of Nintendo Power has been going into the Nintendo Power Retrospectives, and the second magazine I’d been covering – Electronic Gaming Monthly – has made something of a return. However, with my coverage of Nintendo Power for the show having reached 1995, I feel like I’ve lost some perspective on where the game industry was at this point, so I’ve decided to launch a read-through of another magazine, that is contemporaneous for where we are in gaming in the N.P.R.
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