Before Karajan dies, I have to find him.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 16: A Blade At His Neck II

Before Karajan dies, I have to find him. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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Time for Karajan to meet his fate.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 15: A Blade At His Neck I

Time for Karajan to meet his fate. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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Why I Switched My Hosting from

You may have noticed, in the past few weeks, that my site has been looking a little weird. That it’s had a few visual hiccups in terms of how it looks and is presented. (If you’re only reading everything I write on Patreon, you probably haven’t noticed). That’s because I’ve switched my web hosting from to Bluehost, and I feel it’s worth mentioning why.

A smaller reason why is, honestly, it’s slightly cheaper. I was paying about $300+ a year for my hosting through, in order to get a plan that allowed for advertising (in an attempt to finally reach my Google Adsense payment threshold). I’m paying about $250-ish a year with Bluehost, so that’s significantly less expensive.

The larger reason is that the person who runs, Matt Mullenweg, has been, frankly, acting like a git. He’s been harassing hosting providers and alienating plugin authors. It’s been involved enough that TechCrunch had to write an explainer article. In short, he’s he kind of git that, candidly, is causing problems for the WordPress platform as a whole – to enough of a degree where I can sincerely see WordPress forking, the way that OpenOffice forked to LibreOffice. If that happens, and the fork comes, if I’m still on for hosting, I can’t go either way. So, I’m off, and am now on Bluehost on the foreseeable future.

As a quick note – this has broken Email Subscriptions. In the interim, I’d recommend using RSS, or following my BlueSky or Mastodon accounts.


Book Review: Carl Sagan’s Cosmos

Reviewing something like Carl Sagan’s Cosmos is a tricky proposition. On the one hand, it’s a book by an acclaimed scientist – and more significantly one of the eminent science writers and presenters of the 20th Century. It’s also a companion volume to one of what is considered to be one of the best science television series of all time. Hard stop. On the other hand, it’s hard for me to say that any particular author or work is above criticism or discussion – and I’ll admit we don’t talk about the book the way we talk about the TV show – so I’m going to give it a shot anyway.

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At last, I ground the helicopter – Karajan is next.

No Title

At last, I ground the helicopter – Karajan is next. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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I’ve got a new kind of guard to deal with.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 13: The Inner Keep II

I’ve got a new kind of guard to deal with. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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Inspired by a recent video by ProZD, I give 5 older anime that I’d love to see get a new take.

5 Classic Anime To Be Revisited

Inspired by a recent video by ProZD, I give 5 older anime that I’d love to see get a new take. ProZD’s video: ‘Solecism’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Watch my Let’s Plays at Donation Links…

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Time to make sure Karajan can’t escape again.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 12: The Inner Keep I

Time to make sure Karajan can’t escape again. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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I make a very close exit.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 11: Above a Bottomless Chasm II

I make a very close exit. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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Fate-uary has come back around again, and it’s time to take a look at Fate/Zero, the prequel to Fate/Stay Night.

Episode 29: Fate/Zero

Fate-uary has come back around again, and it’s time to take a look at Fate/Zero, the prequel to Fate/Stay Night. Next month we’re discussing the romantic dramedy Toradora, which is available for streaming on Crunchyroll (, Amazon Prime (Affiliate Link –, and Tubi (

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Book Review: The Ghibliotheque Guide to Anime

It’s been a while since I read a nonfiction book about anime. A couple of years ago, I read Anime: A History by Johnathan Clements and found it enjoyable (though admittedly, I never got around to doing a prose review here—just a video review). Well, I’ve ended up coming across another overview book on Anime—this time from the hosts of the Ghibliotheque podcast, appropriately titled The Ghibliotheque Guide to Anime, so I figured it was worth a read.

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We continue to make our way through the catacombs.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 10: Above a Bottomless Chasm I

We continue to make our way through the catacombs. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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There’s a video game that kinda adapts the Forged in the Dark/Powered by the Apocalypse game mechanics into a PC RPG – let’s talk about that.

Video Game Review: Citizen Sleeper

There’s a video game that kinda adapts the Forged in the Dark/Powered by the Apocalypse game mechanics into a PC RPG – let’s talk about that. Let’s Play Playlist: Affiliate Links: – Humble Store: ‘Solecism’ by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.

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I get through the wall and into the beginnings of the catacombs.

Where I Play Mark of the Ninja Part 8: An Ancestral Home II

I get through the wall and into the beginnings of the catacombs. Please support my Patreon: Buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi: Watch my Live-Streams on Check out my main channel at Donation Links…

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Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition promotional art showing Mechonis from the fields of Bionis
Video games

Video Game Review: Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

Playing the first Xenoblade Chronicles game was an interesting experience, especially after having played some of its sequel before it. It end up giving me some new context on how the series has progressed, how the sequel improved on its predecessor – and some ways in which the predecessor was better. Now that I’ve beaten the game in my Let’s Play, it’s time to give my thoughts.

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Anime Review: Majestic Prince

At the end of 2024, having missed the submission date for regular Anime Secret Santa, I decided to take part in AniList’s Secret Santa event (my AniList profile is here, by the way). The show I ended up getting in my pick was Majestic Prince – a show that had ended up on my watchlist anyway due to it showing up early in Super Robot Wars 30. So, after finishing my rewatch of season 3 of Thunderbolt Fantasy for the Anime Explorations Podcast, I moved on to this.

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