I took a bunch of photos at Kumoricon 2023 of hall cosplay, the Gunpla competition, and the cosplay contest. I will see about embedding those below the cut.

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Anime, News

Kumoricon 2023 Photo Galleries


Thoughts on the OryCon Hiatus

In 2021, after OryCon 42, the event is planning to go on hiatus until – minimum 2023 – after announcing an indefinite hiatus. This means, for at least next year, possibly longer if they don’t get volunteers, Oregon will be without a Lit-SF convention. As OryCon is the first lit-SF convention I went to, the convention that caused me to get started on my fanzine, and where I made several people I consider to be good Con-Friends, I have some thoughts about this.

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Kumoricon 2019 Mascot and Dates

Attending Kumoricon 2019!

This weekend I am going to be attending Kumoricon 2019, so I’m going to be a little laid back on the Let’s Plays for this weekend, both in terms of streaming and in terms of video uploading. So I’m doing a blog post today with something of the panels that I have of interest. If you’re going and there’s a panel you’re interested in checking out, or if you’re reading this after the convention and there’s a panel you really liked, go ahead and post that in the comments! Panel descriptions can be found in the Kumoricon Program book, at the events page.

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