
Anime Review: Magical Destroyers

I’ve reviewed several anime series in the past about Otaku getting dumped on by society – Rumble Garandoll & Akiba’s Trip both put their focus on the social stigmatization of Otaku by larger Japanese society. Rumble Garandoll put its emphasis on more conservative elements of culture attacking Otaku based on ablism some of the more progressive themes in some Otaku-targeted works (which is not certainly monolithic – I’ve covered some more conservative works here). Akiba’s Trip’s climax called out the hypocrisy of the Japanese government touting anime and other media targeted toward Otaku as part of the government’s soft-power initiative on one hand, while often the same political party (and same politicians) who champion that initiative demonize otaku (either directly or indirectly) through their policies and their public speeches (like the whole “Herbavore Male” thing that was going on for a while). Magical Destroyers takes a different tack and focuses on otaku self-loathing.

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Mew Ichigo clinging to the Blue Knight in Tokyo Mew Mew New Season 2

Anime Review: Tokyo Mew Mew New – Season 2

First off, hey! That title rhymes! Also, the second season of Tokyo Mew Mew New is a straight continuation of the plot, with the focus shifting with the Aliens no longer shooting for a slower, more gradual monster-of-the-week plan, and instead going for more spectacular plots, threatening Tokyo as a whole. On the mundane side of the plot, Ichigo’s relationship with Aoyama is now getting considerably more serious. And then there’s the whole matter of this new Blue Knight who keeps (Tuxedo-Mask-esque) coming to Ichigo’s aid. There will be some spoilers.

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Video games

Picks from Week 1-ish of Summer Games Fest 2023

We’ve gotten the kickoff of Summer Games Fest 2023, and I’ve got my picks from the various announcement/event/whatever streams that I’ve watched from the past week plus this weekend (as of 6/11/2023), so it’s time to give my picks for the stuff that caught my interest. I’ll have a video focusing on my top 10 or so at the start of July, to wrap up the month.

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