
The Heike Story: Anime Review

We’ve had a moderate array of various historical anime coming out – from Demon Slayer being set in the Taish? period, to the Yashahime series, much as with its source material in Inuyasha, being set at an ambiguous point in the Warring States period. What we haven’t gotten in a while is anything set in the Heian period – enter The Heike Story, an anime series that, basically, tells of the end of the Heian period, adapting the Heike Monogatari, and telling the tragic fall of the Heike through both their own hubris, and the machinations of others.

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“On Your Mark” – Thoughs on Miyazaki’s Lost Short

“On Your Mark” is an un-short in the filmography of Studio Ghibli in general and Hayao Miyazaki in particular. Removed from the official Ghibli discography after Aska of Chage & Aska was arrested for Drug Possession (Estacy and Stimulants), the film has become one of those things that’s only really available via bootlegs now (much as, apparently, Chage and Aska’s discography). I saw it once when I was in High School, in my school’s anime club, and I never got around to re-watching it until recently, and I’d like to give some quick thoughts.

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5 Things About Living With Autism In A Pandemic

I have a video scheduled to go up next month looking back at the past couple years, and giving my thoughts on living with Autism through those two years, and everything that happened with them. This is a separate, more granular listicle, talking about small, granular, little things, that I observed about life in the pandemic – while living with Autism.

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Thoughts on the OryCon Hiatus

In 2021, after OryCon 42, the event is planning to go on hiatus until – minimum 2023 – after announcing an indefinite hiatus. This means, for at least next year, possibly longer if they don’t get volunteers, Oregon will be without a Lit-SF convention. As OryCon is the first lit-SF convention I went to, the convention that caused me to get started on my fanzine, and where I made several people I consider to be good Con-Friends, I have some thoughts about this.

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