There’s a new Godzilla film out (for a limited release) and I saw it in theaters. Here are my thoughts! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Film Review

Film Review: The Mission (1999)
Johnny To, as a director, has two extremes. On one end is gritty crime thrillers like the Election duology – which may have an action scene or two, but which otherwise are generally grounded in the real world. On the other end is Exiled, a film which has a fight scene early in the film where several characters in a firefight cause a table to flip and spin end over end with their bullet hits, but ultimately both come out of the fight uninjured. In the middle lies The Mission. Continue reading

Film Review: Barbarian Queen II – The Empress Strikes Back
Barbarian Queen II is, basically, a somewhat nihilistic gender-swapped version of the Robin Hood story – princess is heir to throne, king has gone off to war and is presumed killed in the field, with the King’s evil brother planning to usurp the throne, princess flees to forest and builds a band of bandits to fight back against Not-Prince-John. Continue reading

Movie Review: Deathstalker II
Deathstalker II is a fun dumb movie. It’s the kind of film where there is a title-drop in the film that incorporates the number (sort of – the line being: “I’ll have my revenge, and Deathstalker too!”). It’s got a soundtrack by Casio, exterior sets from a Renaissance faire, pants made out of pleather because they ran out of their leather budget, and female characters who wear as little as possible in the hopes that the audience won’t pay attention to any of the rest of the film’s shortcomings. Continue reading

Documentary Review: 20 Years Too Soon – The Story of “Superstar” Billy Graham
This time I’m doing a review of the WWE documentary “20 Years Too Soon: The Story of ‘Superstar’ Billy Graham”. This review is done vlog style, because I don’t want to get the video taken down by the WWE. Continue reading

Film Review: Demon Seed
Man, this movie is freaking weird.
I should mention in advance, that I should give a trigger warning for this film. The movie has extensive scenes of domestic violence, both physical and psychological, caused not by a human, but by an artificial intelligence. Continue reading
This time I have a video version of my review of Outrage.

Film Review: Star Crash
There are some genres of cinema that have been lost to technological developments and rise of global interconnectivity. One of these genres is the “Italian knockoff of an successful American film.” One of the more impressive parts of this cinematic sub-genre is the science fiction film Starcrash, directed by Luigi Cozzi under an American pseudonym to conceal the film’s true nature. Continue reading

Film Review: Videodrome
Videodrome is the weird stuff. It’s one of those movies that I’d held off on watching because of the film’s reputation for gore, and horrific content that would melt your mind and would leave you with nightmares. Continue reading

Film Review: Solaris (1972)
When it comes to the “science and technology” part of Science Fiction, there tend to be three axis of thought, that end up forming into a sort of spectrum-ish thing – like those charts used in some video games where your character’s stats are portrayed in context of a geometric shape, with portions sticking out in different directions based on how you’ve chosen to weight things. There’s a technical term for this, but I don’t know what its. Continue reading

Film Review: Outrage (2010)
If I was to summarize this film in one meme, it would be “That Escalated Quickly”, and I mean that very much in the original context where it’s used in Anchorman. Continue reading
Video Film Review: Damnation Alley
This time I’m reviewing the film adaptation of Roger Zelazny’s science fiction novel, “Damnation Alley” Continue reading

Movie Review: Gravity
Gravity is, quite possibly, the tensest film I’ve ever seen, and is one of the most profound combinations of imagery and music (chronologically) since the Star Wars films and Koyaanisqatsi, and only eclipsed by Mad Max: Fury Road. Continue reading

Movie Review: X-Men – Days of Future Past (Rogue Cut)
When it comes to comic book films, and adaptations of comic books to the screen, there are questions about how you adapt certain comic book concepts to the screen, and as cinematic universes get more involved, there is no question that has lingered in the background more than “How do you clean up a cluttered universe?” How do you not only pull a retcon, but a big universe altering one?
Days of Future Past not only attempts to pull such a retcon, but succeeds, by creating a situation where the X-Men films can change course to a new path different from the first 3 films, while still giving credit to where the earlier films worked. Continue reading

Movie Review: Big Hero 6
Big Hero 6 is an incredibly impressive film from Disney. It’s a film that, I’d argue, tells a better superhero story than The Incredibles, with a very interestingly beautiful world, with gorgeous animation and interesting characters. Continue reading

Movie Review: Inglorious Basterds
Inglorious Basterds is a film that is not, in spite of its marketing, its posters, and its trailers, an action film. It’s a thriller. It’s a film that moves from incredibly tense dialog scene to tense dialog scene the way that John Woo goes from gunfight to gunfight. Continue reading
This time we conclude “The Yakuza Papers” with Part 5 – “Final Episode” Continue reading

Movie Review: X-Men – First Class
X-Men: First Class is a film that is almost perfect, but has a few notes that just don’t quite work for me. It’s a combinations of factors Some characters are under-utilized, some characters feel mis-written, and there are some issues with tone, combined with some frustrating story choices. Continue reading

Movie Review: Damnation Alley
I’m a fan of the Fallout series. I love the world those games build, and consequently when I discover a work that is formulative to that universe, it tends to give that work a little extra appeal for me. It’s part of the reason why I like some of the later portions of The Martian Chronicles and why I enjoyed A Boy and his Dog, which is a review for another time. Damnation Alley is a little less known portion of the sub-genre, but is still a remarkably enjoyable film. Continue reading
Video Review: The Yakuza Papers Part 4 – Police Tactics
This time we continue with “The Yakuza Papers” with Part 4 – “Police Tactics” Continue reading

Film Review: Kingdom of Heaven – Director’s Cut
Ridley Scott is a director who is fantastic at building worlds. In Blade Runner it was the future of Los Angeles. In Gladiator it was Imperial Rome. In Kingdom of Heaven, it’s 14th century Jerusalem and Palestine. Continue reading

Movie Review – Edge of Sanity (1989)
Edge of Sanity is an interesting, but flawed film, taking the Jack the Ripper case, and combining it with Robert Lewis Stephenson’s classic work of Victorian horror – The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Continue reading
Video Review: The Yakuza Papers Part 3 – Proxy War
This time we continue with “The Yakuza Papers” with Part 2 – “Proxy War” Continue reading