This week I’m taking a look at the latest Batman film – The Dark Knight Rises.
This week I’m taking a look at Arthur C. Clarke‘s classic SF novel, Rendezvous With Rama.
Gamers Against Bigotry’s IndieGoGo Campaign can be found at
Their web page is
The campaign ends on August 1st, 2012 – so donate now!
Last night I went to the Hollywood Theater for their monthly Kung Fu Theater night, and I wanted to give my thoughts on the theater and the films I saw.
Well behind schedule, I finally have my thoughts on the E3 games I was unsold on, including the “winner” of the “lucrative” award of shame of the show.
The IndieGoGo project mentioned in the video can be found here –
This week, I’m returning to my E3 2012 coverage and finishing it up with my Top 5 Sold! List.
I’m taking a break today from the video game stuff, to give my thoughts on the just released movie Prometheus, a prequel to Alien.
Now that E3 has officially concluded, I’m posting my thoughts on Nintendo’s two – count ’em – two press conferences, covering the 3DS and the Wii U, with one more video. Next week, my picks for favorite game of the show.
Just two days late, I’m giving my thoughts on EA, Ubisoft, and Sony’s media briefings from E3. I never said I’d be timely, now would I?
It’s E3 Week, which means it’s time for me to talk about the press briefings, starting with Konami & Microsoft.
It’s book review time, as I get the two Hugo Award Nominees for Best Novel that interested me, out of the way. Specifically, Among Others by Jo Walton, and Leviathan Wakes by Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck writing as James S.A. Corey.
I saw Battleship earlier today, and figured I might as well give my thoughts on it.
This week I’m taking a look at Need For Speed: The Run, as well as the nominees for Best Professional Artist in the Hugo Awards.
The Nominees and their web pages are.
Dan dos Santos
Bob Eggleton
Michael Komarck
Stephan Martiniere
This week I have a review double feature – the science fiction novel The Quantum Thief, and the film The Avengers. Continue reading
This week I’m giving my thoughts on the game Rayman: Origins.
Also, because it didn’t really take that long to talk about the game, I’m also giving my thoughts on this year’s nominees for Best Fancast at the Hugo Awards, including my pick for the winner. Continue reading
This week I’m finally getting back to book reviews, with a look at the horrible novel by Eric Van Lustbader – Black Blade. Continue reading
Well, it’s been a long time since my last video review, but I’m back, and I’m taking a look at El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron.
Gameplay Footage by GhostRobo
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This week I’ve got an editorial for you all, thanks to the embarassment of news riches that were worth ranting about. First I have a discussion on the reveal that “Mega Man” would appear in Street Fighter X Tekken, and then I have a discussion about the Used Game Debate, and whether the Occupy movement should get involved. (Hint: The answer is yes.)
This week I have another review of a game in the Gears of War series, with my thoughts on Gears of War 3.
Gameplay video recorded by TheRadBrad (
After taking a break for the holidays, I’ve got a video game review for you of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It’s not the best game in the history of gaming… but you can see it from here.
Gameplay Footage by: J2JonJeremy
This week I give my thoughts on this year’s Spike Video Game Awards – an awards show so bad, that my camera and the Gods Themselves conspired to save me from having to do a video about that steaming pile of crap.
This week I have another video game review – as I take a look at the last title to come out of Bizarre Creations, James Bond 007: Blood Stone.
Gameplay footage by:
Shockwave981 –
TheMediaCows –
Featuring a guest appearance by Diamanda Hagan!
Diamanda Hagan: Lecher Bitch
Just another site
This week I’m going off on another rant, as I discuss the opinion voiced by the International Red Cross about depictions of war crimes in video games, as well as giving a call to action on the Stop Online Piracy Act.
This week I’ve got another video game review, and one of a current video game – Goldeneye 007 Reloaded for the Xbox 360.
It’s been a long time since I’ve done any wrestling reviews on the blog – it’s time to change that a little bit, as I present a review of some Puro, with Wrestle Kingdom I, one of New Japan Pro Wrestling’s January 4th Dome Shows.