
Falcon and the Winter Soldier: TV Review

If WandaVision was an experiment within an experiment, Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a much more conventional limited TV series. It’s still very much a MCU work, with the higher budgets that come with a show like this. However, if you were expecting some more standard superheroic action, this is certainly the show for that. That said, this is, when all is said and done, a show in the vein of the Captain America movies, and like Cap’s comics counterpart, while all comics are political to some degree, Captain America comes to the table planning to be overtly political, with things to say, so to really discuss this show, I’m going to have to say upfront, I’m going to have to get into spoilers – starting below the cut.

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From Left, Wanda Maximoff and The Vision from WandaVision

WandaVision: TV Review

WandaVision is the first part of Marvel’s new initiative for incorporating TV series into the MCU. Rather than the long ongoing series like Agents of Shield, or more street-level series that are superheroic but smaller in scope than the Netflix series, these are more limited series that are more limited in scope, while also involving some of the actual Avengers. In the case of WandaVision, they’re also starting off with a series that is considerably more experimental in style and far more personal in tone than the main films.

There will be spoilers below the cot.

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