Inspired by a recent video by ProZD, I give 5 older anime that I’d love to see get a new take.
Tag Archives: vlog
After some comments about Hasbro’s CEO about AI and D&D moved in my head and started living there rent-free, I needed to get those out in the form of a comedic rant. (With apologies to Lewis Black).
I’ve been using a couple competitors to Goodreads, and give my thoughts on the two.
I went to the Portland Date of Miku Expo 2024, and I give my thoughts on the experience of going to the concert, and why I’m a fan of Vocaloids and Hatsune Miku.
I give my thoughts on an opinion piece by Ben Riggs (author of “Slaying the Dragon: A Secret History of Dungeons & Dragons”) about how the Golden Age of RPGs has ended by moving away from a D&D 5e focused monoculture – and argue that he’s not just a little wrong – he’s a lot wrong.
As the video title says, I went and bought a car after my old car was totaled at the start of October (more or less) – and I give my thoughts on the process, along with discussing a few things that I think generally removed some of the friction.
This month is the last month Netflix will be mailing out physical DVDs, so I give my thoughts on the end of an era.
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Anime Review: The Hollywood Theater OVA Film Festival (2023)
This past weekend, the Hollywood theater did a film festival of OVAs, featuring Neo-Tokyo, Baoh: The Visitor, Dragon’s Heaven, and Project A-Ko. As I haven’t seen the first three, I’ll give my thoughts on those (and I’ll be doing a podcast episode on A-Ko later for the Anime Explorations Podcast).
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Film Review: Black Widow
For the first time in over a year (almost a year and a half), I have gone to see a movie in a theater, which means it’s time for me to do a vlog on it.
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Editorial: Thoughts on E3 2021
The time has come, as it has almost every June, to give my thoughts on the year’s E3 – what games and companies presented themselves well, and what were garbage.
Continue readingA Week Of Listening
This week I’m stepping away from my Let’s Play, my Reviews, and my Blog Posts to encourage you to likewise step away from the normal voices you listen to (which are statistically likely to be predominantly White). Instead, I’d like you to take this moment to actively seek voices of people of color, of Black people, on YouTube, on Twitch, in the podcasts you listen to, the books you read, the roleplaying games you play.
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Vlog: Mt Saint Helens Eruption 40th Anniversary
40 years ago this year, Mt. Saint Helens erupted, and I give my thoughts on the eruption from my perspective – as growing up with the aftermath.
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Kumoricon 2019 Con Report
I give my thoughts on Kumoricon 2019, and the movie I saw during the convention.
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Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2019 Vlog
I went to Portland Retro Gaming Expo this year, and give my thoughts on the event.
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Detective Pikachu: Film Review
We get the first of the slated live-action films featured cute fuzzy video game mascots who can snark. Let’s see how this one fares.
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Book Review: Legends of the Galactic Heroes – Book 8
This week I’ve got a vlog on the 8th book in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes series of novels.
Continue readingThe next Star Wars Story installment is out, and I talk about this film’s depictions of Han and Lando, and how they compare to what we’ve seen in the Legends continuity thus far – with the Han Solo and Lando Calrissian Adventures novels in particular.
Opening Credits: Star Wars Theme from Super Star Wars on the SNES.
Closing Credits: Chiptune Cantina Band from Chiptune Inc. –
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Black Panther came out in the middle of last month (February 17th). I’ve waited a few weeks for people to talk about it, and now I’ll give my thoughts on the movie. Continue reading
I went to see Final Fantasy: Distant Worlds on the latest concert tour, so here are my thoughts on the show
Distant Worlds 1: MP3 –, CD –
Distant Worlds 2: MP3 –, CD –
Distant Worlds 3: MP3 –, CD –
Distant Worlds 4: MP3 –, CD –
All 4 albums are also currently available for free streaming via Amazon Prime (as of 2/4/2018). Also, as of this recording, all 4 albums are in print, and were available for purchase at the concert for $15-20, so keep that in mind when shopping on-line.
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This week I have my thoughts on Blade Runner 2049 (recorded the week after it came out).
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In the wake of the passing of Jerry Pournelle, I have a public service announcement. Continue reading
This time I’m doing a one-month belated-due-to-technical difficulties Vlog ( Vlog because I don’t want to get clobbered under ContentID) of my thoughts on the 5 things I was sold and unsold on from this last E3. Continue reading
I’m getting a little political this week with a call to action on Net Neutrality, with some arguements you can give to your Senators, your Representative, and the FCC. Continue reading

Book (Vlog) Review: The Cloud Roads
This time I’m taking a look at the first book in the “Books of the Raksura” series by Martha Wells – The Cloud Roads. Continue reading