We finally finish our battle with Nohman and Anubis.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 24 – For All the Marbles
It’s time for the final fight against Nohman, this time inside Aumann itself.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 23 – Battle in Hyperspace
We throw down with Anubis again – this time on semi-equal terms.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 22 – Backstage Pass
We make our way to Aumann via a cargo entrance.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 21 – Hold The Line
We make our next attempt at the next survival sequence – holding off waves of enemies while keeping our supporting troops alive.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 20 – Boss and Battle
We have a boss fight against a very large orbital frame, before our first attempt at a major pitched battle.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 19 – Fleet Action
It’s time for the big push, and we have to take out some capital ships on our way to the rendezvous point.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 18 – Anubis Returns
Like the title says, Anubis is back and we have to do what we can to survive.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 17 – Earn Your Upgrade
We have a boss fight with Lloyd to get the needed upgrade for Jehuty.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 16 – Descent Into the Depths
We make an absurdly long descent into the basement of Lloyd’s base.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 15 – In Through The Out Door
We navigate the surface of Lloyd’s base in an attempt to find our way to “the basement”.
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Let’s Play Zone of the Enders 2 Mars: Ep 14 – Walk This Way
We make our way to someone who can upgrade Jehuty – Lloyd.
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The Anime Appendix N: Introduction
This week I’m starting a new limited series, spun off from my RPG recommendations. This time I’m giving recommendations for anime by genre, based on how they spur inspiration at the gaming table, inspired by AD&D’s Appendix N. This time, I’m getting into why I’m doing this spinoff in the first place.
Continue readingI’m about due for one of these Anime & RPG recommendation videos, so it’s time for another.
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Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited: Anime Review
Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited is the anime series about a co-protagonist who buy anything except a break for their show. It’s a show that came out the year that officers from Minneapolis Police Department murdered George Floyd, leading to a new wave of Black Lives Matter protests that not only spanned not just the United States, but Japan as well. It’s a show that got postponed for a cour due to production difficulties from COVID-19. Consequently, as a part of that, it’s a series that wrapped up its season just in time for the officers who murdered Breanna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky to not face charges for their actions. And it’s about a co-protagonist who uses their astronomical, Nagi Sanzenin levels of wealth to get away with breaking the law under the auspices of having a badge.
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Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater: Anime Review
I love anime that are somewhat educational about something. While Hajime No Ippo has a very over-the-top depiction of boxing, I felt like I came away from it with a better appreciation of the sport. Shirobako and Animation Runner Kuromi gave me a better appreciation of what goes into anime (though again, both works are romanticized), and so on. So, this past season, I decided to give the anime series Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater a shot for a similar reason, and I’m very glad I did.
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Fruits Basket Season 2 Anime Review
Season 1 of Fruits Basket stopped at about the same place that the previous adaptation of the show had done – after Tohru had seen Kyo’s true form for the first time, and unlike others before had refused to reject him – and had indeed accepted and embraced him (both literally and figuratively) in spite of this, along with Tohru getting to, albeit briefly, meet Akito for the first time. Season 2 enters some new ground (as far as anime adaptations are concerned), diving a little deeper into the inter-relationships between members of the Zodiac, Akito, and the larger Sohma family.
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How Do You Hide a Debt Crisis from Shareholders?
It’s interesting how different aspects of geekdom’s failure to interact can lead to people grabbing into smaller parts of a larger, more interesting picture. (Note – this started as a series of tweets that I’ve tweaked somewhat)
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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (HameFura) Anime Review
This past season of anime started with me having about 6-7 different series I was planning to watch… and then COVID-19 hit and with postponements, that number dropped down to two. One of those was Fruits Basket Season 2, which is still ongoing, but the other was a new Isekai series based on a Light Novel, and one with a premise that really caught my interest – My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! (or HameFura for short).
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The Big O: Anime Review
I have some significant gaps in the classics of Toonami. I watched most (though not quite all) of Gundam Wing when it first aired. Same with Outlaw Star, and a fair amount of Dragon Ball Z (at least through the end of the Namek arc). However, I never really watched much of Yu-Yu Hakusho, and I never got around to watching any of The Big O. Maybe it was the title of the show – it certainly wasn’t the aesthetic – the retro-futuristic style grabbed my interest. However, it wasn’t until recently that I finally got the opportunity to watch The Big O in its entirety – and it’s an interesting show to unpack.
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My Hero Academia Season 4: Anime Review
The gravity of pro hero work has always been kind of been in the background throughout the past few seasons of My Hero Academia. However, Season 4 of the show puts the situation the members of Class 1-A are going to be getting into once they graduate into much sharper relief.
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Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Anime Review
After completing Super Robot Wars V a year or so ago, I decided I wanted to watch some of the anime series from that show, particularly before moving on to X (along with wanting to watch a couple of the shows from X as well to set up the story for comparison). That, combined with the fact that I’d been watching various anime series on weekends with my parents, and that my mother had watched the original first season of Space Battleship Yamato while growing up in Hawaii, lead me to bump the reboot of that series up on my list.
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ID: Invaded – Anime Review
If I was going to describe ID: Invaded to someone in an elevator, it would be Inception crossed with Criminal Minds. It’s probably the closest I’ve come to a more standard procedural in a genre anime for quite some time, in a very imaginative way.
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